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My Brother....

My brother is a very...interesting person. He loves to juggle, and do impressions with really weird accents. He is a math whiz, and he loves to play chess. He wants me to tell you that he thinks he is hilarious (but we just let him think that). We have very strange conversations. Mostly involving Doctor Who or Avatar. He is also very dramatic. Every morning for a year he would say, "I have drama today!" and the person who drives our carpool would say, "You are drama". Everyday.

As an older sister, I believe it is my job to not only protect him from bullies (Do you want a piece of me? I have a very large textbook! Yeah, I didn't think so!), but to also be bossy like all big sisters should be. The other day, through an amazing incident involving a birthday invitation and an alphabetical-ized list of invitees from a mutual friend, I realized not only am I older than him, I am also alphabetically superior. Thank you Cody! I think that gives me the right to be as bossy as I want, right?

My brother isn't exactly what I would call 'mature'...but he is surprisingly good with kids (Except for our poor cousin-once-removed. My brother just makes him really really angry). He has never actually babysat anyone other than my little sister, but I'm sure the kids would have a great know, if your house doesn't burn down first.

Today I had the amazing opportunity to overhear a conversation between him and our cousin-once-removed (No, a different one. This is the one that likes trains. He is also like 1 and a half or something), and it went something like this:

(My cousin, My brother)

COOKIES! I like cookies!

Yes, but cookies don't like you.
Cookies don't like to be eaten.
YUM! Cookies!
Cookies look at you in horror.

I think we can safely assume that my cousin had no clue what my brother was saying, but it was fun to listen to anyways.

My brother enjoys drawing, but he thinks he sucks. I think he is better than most kindergartners. His "Door Without a Doorknob" was deep, and his "Lopsided Cat on a Table on a Slide" is refrigerator door worthy. Or maybe door without a doorknob worthy...


  1. totally entertaining AND I'm learning a ton about the inner workings of your mind . muahaha


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