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Pie is a beautiful thing.

Throughout the generations, my family has refined the art of pie making. Yes, it is an art form. It's also delicious! Twice a year my family gathers for a pie extravaganza (Okay, we actually gather for General Conference, and the pie just happens to be there) and everyone makes pies. This last extravaganza had more than 16 pies. There were so many people in my grandma's house that you could barely move! Every year we have to make more pie because every year there are more and more people!

There is so much pie that we eat leftovers for weeks.

The pie is so amazing that we all take pictures and post them on Instagram.

There is so much pie, that it takes more than a week of cooking just to make all of them.

Recently, my grandma's aquatic aerobics class (which is a fancy name for pool yoga) had a party and my grandma was asked to bring pie. She went a little overboard. She made 8 pies. There was so much leftover that she had an after party at her house! (And by 'after party' I mean her favorite 3 grandchildren went and ate it all while my mom and my grandmother played Parcheesi).

Speaking of Parcheesi...I hate Parcheesi. Actually, I strongly dislike most board games, but Parcheesi is the worst. For some strange reason my grandma, mother, and aunt are addicted to Parcheesi. They play it every. single. day. If you don't hear dice rolling in the kitchen, something has gone terribly wrong.

They are very competitive. Is competitive Parcheesi even a thing? They cuss each other out, and compete to see how fast they can play a game. They play it so much, that they can predict your next move. They can and will move your piece for you. You might as well not even be there. Go watch Doctor Who.

Sometimes I think they love Parcheesi more than they love pie. It's really sad.


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