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I figured that I should probably tell you all about AMIGOS now, because it is pretty much consuming my entire life. If you already know about AMIGOS (probably because I never shut up about it) feel free to stop reading if you want. I wont be offended. Okay, maybe I will be offended, just a little bit.

Anyway, Amigos de las Americas (or AMIGOS for short) is this amazingly fabulous international nonprofit organization that sends college and high school aged students to rural communities in South America for 6-8 weeks, where they facilitate community development, live with a host family, and hopefully become completely fluent in Spanish (Haha... it's a joke. I'm the worst gringa I know!)).

Once upon a time in 7th grade, there were two lovely people who came into my Spanish class to talk about AMIGOS, and at first I was only interested because at least the spanish teacher had turned of Destinos while they gave their presentation. By the end of their presentation I was hooked. I knew that I had to do AMIGOS. I went home and begged my mom to let me go. She said no, and then I found out you had to be 16 to go. I was like 12. I was crushed.

In September of 2012, two lovely return volunteers again visited my spanish class. I'm pretty sure they interrupted the part of the class where we all sing Shakira at the tops of our lungs. I was really grateful for that! For some strange reason I still subconsciously think of myself as a 12 year old. Sometime in early October I had an epiphany. I would be turning 16 in January. I could go on AMIGOS! I was so excited, I literally started jumping up and down in the hallway at school and doing a happy dance. I think I freaked out quite a few people.

I found out the times and places of the information meetings and then began coercing my mom into taking me. I told her that going to an information meeting doesn't mean I'm actually going. "It's purely informational. Knowledge couldn't hurt anything!" And then I practically dragged her to the meeting, where I signed up for an interview.

I was accepted. And then there was November and the impending fundraising of doom. I was completely unprepared for all the fundraising, and more fundraising, and even more fundraising! Fundraising should be an Olympic sport! Seriously, it's April and I'm still fundraising (although this isn't actually through the program, this is personal fundraising for vaccines. Ouch!)

This summer I will be going to a community in Madriz, Nicaragua to facilitate youth rights through media and the arts! I am super duper excited! This is me fulfilling my dream of the last 4 years! When I get back, and if I remember that I have a blog, I will post lots of pictures! And hopefully some recipes (food is my biggest weakness! I would make a terrible superhero...)

Thank you to everyone that has helped me with my fundraising and purchased my products! I still have dreams about those amazing grapefruits! If any of you are interested in supporting me with my fundraising, I am still selling homemade pillows, scarves, hats, hot pads, and possibly wash cloths-if we can ever figure out how to make them correctly! Contact me if you are interested in buying anything, or donating things for me to sell!

Also if you would like to write to me while I am in Nicaragua this summer, contact me and I will send you an address where you can send letters so that I can write you back! Or you could just write me a bunch of letters and give them to me when I get back, but that's not nearly as fun!

If any of you are thinking about doing AMIGOS, do it! It's amazing, and I haven't even reached the country yet!


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