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2 years...

Hello Internet. It's been awhile. 

I think it has been almost a year since I started this blog...let me check...WOAH it's been almost two years! That is a long time. A lot of things have happened in the last two years...

  • I decided I'm not cut out to be a glassblower.
  • I dyed my hair blue, and then brown, and then I grew it out, and then I chopped it all off, and then I dyed it red, and then I grew it out again, and then I dyed it purple, and now it's brown again. I got bangs today, so that's new. I guess this shows how indecisive I am.
  • I survived both Sophomore and Junior year (which is really surprising because my brother started taking chemistry and they let him have access to things he should never have access to).
  • I successful explored the world. Well, part of the world. Okay, a tiny fraction of the world. The point is, I'm on my way to seeing all of it.
  • I applied to college. I even picked a favorite college. You will never guess. Not ever. Especially if you have read my entry on colleges. Now all that's left is for them to decide if they want me....which is just as equally terrifying as trying to decide what I want to do for the rest of my life. 
  • I made new friends!!! This is surprising because I have been hanging out with the same friends for forever and I thought I had lost the ability and social skills necessary to create new friendships. Apparently this is not so. I now have the most amazing group of fronds in the world. Smith vines for life guys.
  • I have realized that you are never too old for glitter, and also that I will probably never outgrow my love of trees.
  • I started the recovery process from my unhealthy addiction to hot chocolate. I was doing pretty good until winter happened. 
  • I became a vegetarian, which is an interesting life choice, especially because I love meat. Basically, I just think harder about what I eat before I eat it now. If I wouldn't be willing to sacrifice my health for it, then I don't eat it. I still eat bacon frequently, also sushi...I'm sick a lot.
  • Speaking of food, in the last two years I have eaten a lot of interesting food. Word to the wise- avoid the questionable cheese ball. Always.
  • I choreographed this dance:    BAM!
  • My brother got a facebook. Also, girls like him. Some people believed that both of these things were impossible. Those people were apparently wrong.
  • I've published 20 entries on this blog (including this one). Life is crazy.

Certain doom is lurking on the horizon, and by 'certain doom' I mean college. College Applications are both stressful and terrifying. I question every answer I give. Just the thought that soon, my entire future will be in the hands of several adults I don't even know, is terrifying. What if they don't like me? What if everything I've been working for in the last 17 years is for nothing? What if I have to go to community college, and they don't even offer what I want to major in, and I end up working at Walmart for the rest of my life? I don't want to work at Walmart! I mean, maybe if I work hard and I'm really dedicated they might promote me to manager or something, but then I'll get old and decrepit and they'll demote me to greeter. I don't want to be a Walmart greeter! Awhile ago, I wrote a post about college, and in it I may have given off the impression that I wanted to get as far away from home as possible. I did want to get away. I wanted to put several states between myself and home. In the last few months however, I've realized that an hour away from home is enough. It's just enough space that I could still go home if I wanted to, but I don't feel obligated to go home on the weekends.

Awhile ago I wrote a list of things I hate. That list is still fairly accurate. I could probably add a few things, but I wont because ain't nobody got time for that. I realize now that the long list of things I hate may give off the impression that I am a very hateful person because I hate many many things. The truth is, I also love a great many things, and so I now present to you.....

A List of Things I Love
  1. Ice cream
  2. Hot chocolate
  3. Most foods in general. I get it from my mom's side of the family.
  4. The Office
  5. Sherlock
  6. Doctor Who...especially the Christmas special (2 more days!!!!)
  7. BBC
  8. Most fandoms in general
  9. Pinterest
  10. My fronds
  11. Art therapy with the aforementioned fronds
  12. Ballroom Dancing
  13. Painting
  14. Latin America
  15. Learning
  16. Traveling anywhere and everywhere, also
  17. Roadtrips
  18. Lauren Wiggins (I love you more than Netflix)
  19. Netflix
  21. Sushi
  22. Being able to drive (honestly everyone told me I would be sick of it by now, but I don't think I will ever be tired of the idea of the possibility of escaping whenever I want)
  23. Reading books
  24. Vegetarian pizza
  25. My mom
  26. My nose (it's adorable I swear)
At this exact moment in time people are dying. But there are also babies being born, and people getting married, and new friendships being formed. People are sad, but other people are being happy. Right now I am sad, but it's okay, because all you lovely people (AKA the 4 people who follow this blog) are probably happy. I'm going to go drink some more hot chocolate now. So much for kicking that habit. 

Advice: When you feel like drinking your emotions, hot chocolate is always a safe and tasty option. Plus, I'm pretty sure this is what heaven tastes like.

Goodnight world.

Thanks for listening.


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